Sunshine Gardens Map 1804
SUNSHINE GARDENS MAP 1804.tif SUNSHINE GARDENS, Map 1804 Lots 478 &479- ZA DENIED AMENDED request of SERGIO JACOME to maintain a living unit converted from a garage attached to existing 2-unit bldg. 1) to provide 4, 7'611 x 17' park- ing spaces where 5 parking spaces are reqd., a min. of 2 to be 8 1 611 x 20'; 2) parking to observe a O' setback where 15' is reqd; 3) to widen,,existing 26 1 driveway to 30' where a max. 25' driveway width is permitted; 4)to eliminate landscaping in the front yd setback where 6 11 sq. ft. is reqd; & 5) to cover 54.9% of the lot where a max of 50% is permitted at 4715 Castana St,, Zone R-1500. c-18859 7/19/85 Lot 426- ZA considered request of MANUELL. SINGH to reconstruct al,411 sq. ft. 2-bedroom duplex: 9) providing no off-street parking spaces where three off~street parking spaces are reqd.; 2) observing a 10' 11" rear yard where 15' rear yard is required; 3) providing no 1 and- scap i ng where 50 percent of all yard areas & 100 percent of the required 15 1 front yard & 10' street side yards are required to be landscaped; 4) providing no trash collection area where 15 sq. ft. of area is reqd,; 5) providing no facade articulation where 2 1 offset must be provided in the building facade nearest the:front.pi'operty''line; 6).. having a diagonal plan dimension of 56' where a max. of 50' is permitted at 435-439 Aurora St., Zone R-400 & has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED Items No. 2 & 6, subj to conds. c-19072 1/31/86 Lots 429-431- ZA denied variance request of Herman Englander to construct a two-story apt bldg. C-19171