Sunset Ridge Card 1
SUNSET RIDGE CARD 1.tif SUlfSft RIDGE,.,---;-:,-- ' ~1q4,-"5 Caiil s Lot 14- Permit DENIED Paul W. Helder, Jr. to erect 55 lin ft of 61 high cone blk wall in fr of SB line on John St., 904 Moana Dr. Res. No. 6135 l-23-52 Lot 21- Permit to Francia X & Rosalind Qu.idr)' to conat sing fem rea & gar with 10 1 rear 7d,____ 2,5,2 ~o~ ~r.!._________________!e.!._N~._6..8!!_______ lQ-,!-,22_t:::,_ Lot.a_Z&. ~.,. Permit to Stafford-Gardner, Inc. & Jas. Scott to const si:og fam res on Lot l & (& l) w:cy 5' of. 2, & Wly 51 of 4; & const sing fam res on Lot 2 (exc liq 5 1), & to maintain exist res on Lot 4 (exc w:cy 5 1), SW cor Moans. Dr & Hill st.____________________________ J!e.!_NQ.._7!~______ ~-!8::,5J._ Lot 14- Permit DENIED to Bette A, James to maintain exist lath house with o SB on John St (10' req) at 904 Moana Drive, R-1 Res. No. 9215 10-14-55 Lot 21- Permit to Francis x.. & Rosalind Guidry--to_re_iiioae"T-1n1;-erlo_r"_15rlfXiSt. sing fam res adding 3/4 bath & relocating exist master bedrm 61 to permit installation of new bath; master bedrm to obs 19 1 rearyd where 20' is req, at 955 Moana Dr. betw Orma Dr. & John St., Zone R-1. Condl. case No. 5160 8-20-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 21- Cond 1 l permit to Francis X. & Rosalind Guidry to const 8 x 141 work shop addn to gar obs 101 rearyd; a ddn to obs 10' rearyd, where 20' rearyd is req, at 955 Moana 'Dr., Zone R-1. " m-z,,,-4,C--2;-!(P-;l-/"1'- t..5--------------------------------------- Case No. 5174 9-14-62-------------------------