Sunset Cliffs Block 23
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 23.tif SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 23 31 Lots 1-2- Permit to Del-Mac,Inc., owner to split 2 lots into 3 bldg fam res on each on Wly cor of intersec of Leon and Guizot. Cond'l. Res #4365 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- Res #96660 sites and constr sin 1-11-50 1-31-50 Lot 3- Permit to Del-Mac, Inc. to divide into 2 par and build sin fam res on eacb, Leon St and Guizot. Res #4 707 5-31-50 Lot 10- Permit to Gary & Juditb Crow to constr second floor addn with bar sink in fam room at 1065 Devonshire Dt. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1883 9-11-73 Lot 4- AGREEMENT with Beth Benes- to construct an addition to an existing single-family residence; addition to include basement with full bath, 12" x 12" bar sink, office, deve- loping and screening rooms. Interior Access through first floor entry/living room,exterior access to rear yard from basement, located at 1095 Devonshir~ Drive, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT# 5291-------------------------------- 03/27/9~-------