Sunset Cliffs Block 11 Card 2
SUNSET CLIFFS BLOCK 11 CARD 2.tif. . ~--,-~-- ~-.,.._""' SUNSET CLIFFS Block 11 Lots 17-18- Edith Wahlberg, extension of Res. No. 3170 tp permit opr.of boarding house at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., to expire 6 3.0/52. Res. No. B 2-8- 0 Lots 17 and 18- Permit to Edith Wahlberg to convert res into duplex, main. appear. of sing fam res. at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Blvd.- Cond 11. Res. 5180 12-13-50 Lots 17, 18 & 19- Permit DENIED to Geo. Aposhian to oper rest home with max of 20 patients, at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Res, No. 8517 10-13~54 Lots 17, 18 & 19- Appeal of Geo. Aposhian (by Archie Everett, agent) was denied by the Council and the Bd. of Z.A. dee. was sustained CC No. 121241 11-18-1954--------------------------------------------------------------Lots 17, 18 Y 19- Pennit DENIED to George M. Aposhian to oper rest home at 1203 Sunset Cliffs Blvd., max. of 20 patients Res. No. 8747 2-16-55-------------------------------------- Lots 17, 18 & 19- Geo, M. Aposhian appealed the dee. of Bd. on Res. 8747 ABOVE & the appeal was denied & dee. of Bd. sustained. CC 123090 3-10-55 Lot 4- Perndt to Edward L. & Thel.E. L. Aspden to const. 7 1 add. exist. gar. making 566 C:..--. aq .ft. acces. bldg. obs. 15 1 rear yd at l 14 Devonshire Rd. Zone ~l Cond 1 l--- ~.,,2... To-.z ~ Cas 6--61 to-------------------------------------~---------------------------------------