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Development Services

Sunny Slope Addn. Block 9

SUNNY SLOPE ADDN. BLOCK 9.tif SUNNY SLOPE ADDITION BLOCK 9 ' i_.If Lot l- Permit to Robert c. Banner to conduct commercial Dog Racing Kennel at to27 Evelyn St. with no more than 15 dogs and l litter of pups on the premises at any one time;no boarding of dogs; permit to be for a period of l year from date of resolution Res #2330 6-19-4, Lot l-Conditional Permit to Robert Banner to conduct cormnercial dog racing kennel, at 1027 Evelyn. Res #4165 9-21-49 Lot l- Ext to 6-30-50 to R.C. Banner Res #4705 5-31-50 Lot l- Ext of l yr from exp date of Res 4705, which ext Res 4165- permit to exp 6-30-52 Res #5567 5-31-51 E Lot 4- Permit to Julian & Alberta Robles to constr res on par split out after zoning / on E side Evelyn St betw Bdwy & 69th St. Res #9223 10-14-55 I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SW Lot 4- Permit to Frank E & Agnes Otto to constr sin fam res., split out after zoning-but prior to 12-5-54 at 1129 Evelyn St. Zone R-2. C-2333 3-9-59