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Development Services

Sun Ridge Vista # 2 Card 1

SUN RIDGE VISTA # 2 CARD 1.tif SUN RIDGE VISTA UNIT #2 Lot 18- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION C01PANY, CWNER; EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF SAN DIEY30, LESSEE to construct a church and related facilities including classroom buildings to provide day care for a maximum of 102 children where such use is pennitted by CUP only; church bldg. to be 43'-6" high where a maximum of 30'-0" is pennitted; 160 sg. ft., 20'-0" high tarporary construction sign where such sign is not pennitted; and 3'-6" high TIDnument sign in the 15'-0" required front yard where such sign is not pennitted, located at south side of Azuaga, approx. 1,590 ft. east of Rancho Penasquitos Blvd. Rl-6000 zone. C-,2.0426 Conditions. 2-23-90. Lot 18- ZA APPROVED request of PARDEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, OWNER: EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, LESSEE to (1) construct a church and related facilities including classroom buildings to provide day care for a maximum of 102 children, ages 0-12 years, from 6 am to 6:30 pm where such use is permitted by CUP; (2) church building to be 43'-6" high (building approxima tely 36 1-311 high) where a maximum 30'-0" high bldg. is permitted; (3) 160 sq. ft., 20'-0" high temporary construction sign where such sign is not permitted; and (4) 3'-6" high monu- ment sign in the 15'-0" required front yard where such sign is not permitted at south side of Azuaga, Rl-6000 Zone. Conditions. C-20426 3-9-90