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Stephen's Addn. Block 2 Card 1

STEPHEN'S ADDN. BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif S'RPDR'S ADDITIOR..,. Card # I.... Lota 2l tbru 28- Permit to Bruce M. r. Edi th P. 'l'aylor to erect a motel consist ot 10 uaita at preaeat enntually to be increased to 25-unita. Rea. No. 5122 11-15-50---------------------t---------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 2l & 22- Per:ait to B. M. Taylor to erect tw 4 1 x 10' sips on posts, approx 8 1 above the ground, tor sotel, at Revere & Glendora St.a. Rea. o- 5li-25 3-21-51-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota l t.hru 7- Per:ait to Church ot God Hoaea, Inc. to erect 6-atory, 72-unita apt house for Sr. Citizens w/ainillua of 53 ott-at parking apace to be proYided, where one otf- at parking apace for ea liYing unit (72) is req, at SW corner of Bunker Hill St & Del Rey Ave, Zone R-li-; Condl. case!lo. 5241 11-9-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 30-34- Pel'llit. to MRS. DA'ITOI MILLKR to convert eXist bldg housing 3 motel un1ta to 6 units result in nonccatora 13-unit aotel on pres, where 10-unit motel pel'II as noncontora right, eubject to conditions, at 3545 Revere Ave betw B~r nu & Glendora Sta, Zone R-4-. Casello. 8167 6-22-67------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 30-34- Permit to Mrs. Dayton Miller to remove exiat signe a, erect one 5' x 81 x 20' hi, clble-taced, lighted, greund aign advertia exiat non-conform motel where max 12. 5 ._ ft x 8 hi ground aign ie peraJ poist ot sign to be 19' traa front PL (See c-8167); 3545 Revere Ave betw Bunker Hill St & Glendora St, Zone R-li-.__" 1 c,_-~ "'_, "/- Cue o. 8261 8-15-67 fl//11cN]),_;; ~y~ "" ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------