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Development Services

Starkey's Prospect Park Block C

STARKEY'S PROSPECT PARK BLOCK C.tif. cart. ~ JI 1021 Por Lot 23- Permit to Ber'bert I & JlarJorie 11&111ard to erect 2nd. dwelling, on s. aide of allq bet Nautilus &:Bonair St., 120 1 'f ot Draper, cond 11 llee. No. 6551 6-25-52.--------------------------------------~--------- Nly 89. 55 1 Lot 17- Permit to Stanley O & Bella J Walters to erect sing fam res, S side of alley bet La Jolla Blvd & Draper, on c,ond that 51 strip alg alley be dedicated to the Ci1___ f_r_~~r_!_!i~e!!_i_!!g!..______________ R~s!..!o!.. ~~7-_____ 19.-g9::5g___..._ Lot 21- Permit to Douglas S. McKellar and Ralph E. Wyer to erect a sing f4Jll res on N 1.05 1, on S side of al.1.ey(Bonair Way) between Nautilus & Bonair Sts., on condit that 51 strip along the alley be dedicated to the City for future widening. Res. No. 8913 5-ll-55 Nly 125 of Lot 1- Permit DENIED Mr. Jon L. Burriston to const sing fem res on par, making a total of 2 dwell on lot split after date of ortg zoning but prior to 12/5754, at 655 Nautilus St., Zone R-2, where one duplex or two sing fam res on lot of record at time of orig zoni:1.g is perm. Case No. 5641 5-3-63---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Permit to Arthur T. & Naomi B. Smith to enclose an exs patio on a nonconf sfd. obs 81 st sd yd at 655 Naut i I us Street. Zone R-2. c- I 4720 NH. I 0-4-77. Portion of Lot 16- Pennit APPROVED by A2A to JOHN R. & BETTE LYNN NERSESIAN to construct a 6 1 X 34'-2" addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 12 1 front yard where 15' is required, at 522 Bonair Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. C-17778 NH 9-13-82 7/