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Development Services

St. Clairs Addn. Card 4

ST. CLAIRS ADDN. CARD 4.tif Lot 6- AGREEMENT with ANTOHONY & ERICA TOTH to construct an addition to a SFD resulting in 10 bedrooms, at 7309 Draper Ave, Map 2529, R-3000, Agree# 3971 4/8/88 rots 8, 9, & 10- PLANNING DI~R GRANTED a Planned Residential Develonent Pennit to A.K.J. REALTY, & ANDREW, BEATRICE, & CARL MELCHER, to construct a Planned Residential Developrrent described as Las Casitas, located at 7329-7345 Draper Street, La Jolla, Map 2529, R-3000 Zone. PRO #87-1127 3-28-88