Southern Title Guaranty Co's Sub. Of P.L 1801 Card 2
SOUTHERN TITLE GUARANTY CO'S SUB. OF P.L 1801 CARD 2.tif-r-~_y"~_, .,....,... "' F. ~.,~-earl1fo 2,_ 10:IM'H"'RN TITLE GUARA~!TY CO'S Sub. of P.L. 1801..._ 0 I,itt... DOlr?h/-t ':::> c')..;)..~-lliR~.. Lot 60--Perrnit to John E. ScYtt Jr. for 7} 1 SB for res. on Lot 60, on Fronte.ra St. Ve,ri2nce t-:c ord, llS!"S. o,; Rf2. 74017; lpril 29, l'."'41. Lot 70. Permit to Waldene C. Mullis to erect res. & gar. with 5 ft. setback from Frontera St. Res. 69026, adopted March 14, 1939. Permit to C.J. Paderewski, 1932- 31st St. to erect res. on Lot 59, So. Title Guar n Co. 1 s Subd. with ft. setback from Frontera St. Res. 662, e to maintain a gar. (now under construction with an 8 1 setback from RivieraDrive.)$$4 Riviera.,, Res. No. 2$$4 2/25/48 Nly 1/2 of.1!.ly 1/t: of fot 95- Permit to Kenneth F. Kirkwood to const. arden wall 6 ft. in height on top of retaining wall 2 I in height at 4070 1Hviera Drive. des. jo. 3591 12/1/48 Lot 59- Permit to C J & Cecilia Paderewalti to erect 9 unit apt with 7'!" s:a, llin.era Dr.___________________________ R!..:.!o.:. .72,8_____..9=,ll-2,2____ Ely 50 1 of Wly 15 'of Lot 88; and Ely 50 1 of 'fl. ' 1 2 of Lot 89- Permit to Mrs. Clarence rumpus room from to 1361 Pac. Bch. Dr. HM #2761 S~ Lot 49, a 1 Lot 50, DENIED to Mrs. Donna W. Carl to construct 2 studio apts over exist v ncn-con.forming gar, add. to obs 8 1 SB (15' req) 3892 Riviera Dr, Zore R-4. Case #2160 12~3-58 Let 29, Penlit to Cheater A. Stanley to conat carport add obe all yd req; '1t rodel exiat gar into rampus ra ob 1 1 eideyd, 1235 Parker Pl betw ETerta & Fanuel, B-4, cond' l N.H. Case 3512 ~10-60.-:;?