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Development Services

South Rancho Hills # 1 Card 4

SOUTH RANCHO HILLS # 1 CARD 4.tif SOUTH RANCHO Hll.LS-UNIT NO. 1 CARD If 4 Lot 55- AGREEMENT with KEN AND NORIKO THOMAS to construct extension to an existing bedroom and construct a bathroom within said bedroom, bedroom has exterior access to rear yard, and interior access through hall that leads to living room, at 6175 Seascape Dr., Map 3726, Rl-5000 zone. AG/I 4560 2/22/90 Lot-76- ZA considered the request of Ranan Catholic Bishop of San Diego, A Corporate SOle, o..mer, to (1) place a orte-stor_f, 2., 16 0 square foot premanufactured building to provide preschool/daycare for a rr;axi::aur,1 of 45 children, ages 2 to 5 years old, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., ltlnday through Friday; (2) maintain existing, open gates measuring maximum 6'-11" in height within the 12'-0" established, front setback where a maximum 6'-0" high gate is permitted, provided that the oottam 3'-0" is solid and the top 3'-0" is 50% open in compliance with design criteria; (3) maintain an existing, 6'-0" high trash enclosure observing a l'-9" front, setback where 12'-0" is established; and (4) maintain portions of gates and trash enclosure of request No. 2 and 3 within visibility area, where 3'-0" is the maxi..--rum height pennitted in the visibility area, 2615 Homedale Street, Rl-5000 zone, and APPROVED item 1, DENIED items 2, 3, and 4, subject to conditions: C-1767 5/11/90