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Development Services

South Park Addn Block 9

SOUTH PARK ADDN BLOCK 9.tif SOUTH PARK.ADDITION BLOCK 9 Lot 6- Permit to Margaret F. Kiel, 1605-28th St. to operate a boarding and lodging house with 9 guests (subject to 6 standard conditions) Res #76176 2-10-42 Lot 6- Permit to Margaret F, Kiel to maintain and operate a boarding and lodging house wit! a max of 8 guests at 1605-28th St, Cond'l. Res #2101 3-13-47 Lot 6- Permit to Margaret F. Kiel to add to and conv bedroom above gar into apt with kitchen to have 2' rear yard, 1605- 28th St, Res #6362 4-2-52 Lot 6- Permit to Clark M, Foote, Jr. to constr sin family dwelling. AGREE #155 2-9-42