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Development Services

South Park Addn Block 26

SOUTH PARK ADDN BLOCK 26.tif t.:';:~-;~ ADON.:--:~-- BJ.~~~ ~~-----,~";=~-,- c-:.. ~) l f T.ot l,. Permit to Isabel oo:ia Highfield, 3112 3un1per St, to operate 1 r a Boarding & Lodging House at 1445 Granada Ave. 10 guests maxlm11m.(Subjeot l 1 to the 6 standard conditions) Granted by Res.76379 date& March 10 1 1942. I Lot 4,. Permit to Janet E. MaoKellar, 1419 Granada Ave, to operate a i Rooming House.with not to exeed 5 guests. (Subject to the 6 standard conditions) Granted by Res. 76380 dated March 10th, 1942. Lot 12- Permit to Curtis C & Volborg Krueger to const 2nd res to have 4' rear yd & 12' side yd, at 1446 29th St. Res. No. 8641 12-8-54---------------------------------------------------------Lo: 4- Janet~. Mackellar to c&nvert said building from a boarding and lodging house back to a sing fam dwelling. AGREEMENT #178 April 2, 1942 Lil