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Development Services

South Park Addn Block 14

SOUTH PARK ADDN BLOCK 14.tif SOU'lliPARK ADON BLOCK 14 (h Lot 3- Permit to John E. Birdsall to conv 2nd floor of exist bldg to liv unit with 5' rear yard access thru 5' court at 1527- 30tn St. Res 5758 8-8-51 Lot 12- Permit to Pathfinders of San Diego to maintain, constr and operate an alcoholic rehabilitation center on tne NW cor of Cedar St and 30tn St. C Zone. Also Lot 7, Blk 6. 304-PC 9-20-71 Lot 12- ZA APPROVED request of YEE HOP, INC. to constr. a 2-story commercial & resi- dential bldg. with 3 parking spaces extending 7' into the front half of the lot, where parking on a lot with more than 100' of street frontage is permitted only in the rear of the property at the SW corner of Cedar & Fern Sts., Zone CC, cond. c-18674 1;11/85 lot 3, Block 14- conditional Use Permit approved to Universal Boot Shop, Owner; Frank Burton, Lessee- to maintain an 850 sq ft expansion of a nonconfomring tavern where such expansion is permitted by Alooholic Beverage Establishment conditional Use Permit only, 1521 30th Street, GH-C:C zone C-21146 2/25/94