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Development Services

South La Jolla Block F Card 1

SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK F CARD 1.tif SOUTH LA JOLLA Block F CARD 1/1.. Lots 21 & 22- Pennit to Major I. D. Offer to erect a workshop addition on the rear of gar. at 303 Westbourne St. with 611 aideyard.,,,___,,...,..._.,....,,___,,,_~---=-__,,.--,,-_,,__~--'---R_e_s..... ~N-o..,....~. 3Zllf: 6/16/48 Lots 19 and 20- Permit to Paul R. Yewell to const. triplex, making four units on the prop., 357 Westbourne Street. Res. No. 3542 11/17/48 Lots 19-20- Ext. or 6 mo. rrom exp. date or Res. No. 351+2, granted to Paul a. Yewell. (See abow). Res. No, 3900 5-18-49 Lots 19-20- Ext. of 6 mo. fran exp. date of Res. No. 3900, which extended Res. No. 3542 1 to Paul R. Yewell; ABOVE. Final extension.Res. No. 4267 11-2-49 Lots 19-20- Amendment to Res. No. 4267 (ABOVE) granting 6 mos. extension f.rom exp. date of Res. No. 3900, which extended Res. No. 3542. to Paul R. Yewell. Final extension, Res. 4896 11-16-49 Lots.3.3-34- Permit to Cha_s It Lois R Wood (Helzer) to erect apt over exist gar 0' sidey;ard. apt to observe sideyard, 427 Westbourne. Res. No, 4944 9-6-50 Lota 39 & ~- Permit to Eliz La Pble & Jessie Yatea to conat duple:z: across front or lots, ea lot with an eXiat unit on rear, 451 Westbou.rne St. Rea. No. 66o3 7-9-52 >----------------------------------------------Lots 39 & lJo- Permit to Eliz La Rue & Jessie Yates to const duplex with 14 16" SE, 451 Westbourne Res. No. 665g 7-23-52 Lots 1,2 & 3- Permit to Truman Parker, Jr., to const duplex, making total of 3 units, at 237 W'estbeurne St., R-2 Case No . 727 8-27-56