South La Jolla Block A Card 2
SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK A CARD 2.tif I SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK A J. CARD # 2 Lots 5, 6, 7, Permit to Rebert Remmey, owner, & Paul Trousdale,-~h DENIED to construct 6-unit apt. house with 6 carports, 50% coverage (40% p~rm.) adj. 6811 Neptune Place,R_2_ ~-~~- '.}_.~~:_~ 3.~:_o_ '--'' Cases 3000 & 3001 12-18-59)--------------------------Lots 1 thru 11, REZONE from R-2 zone to R-4 zone,located on E side of Neptune Pl between Nautilus & Bonair ts DENIED. Res #167244 8-17-61----------------------- Lots 5,6 & 7- Permit to Trousdale Const. Co., owner; John~- & Eliz N. Nichols, purch, to canst 3 story, 6 unit apt with carport & basement parkir:g where du,}lex or two sing fam dwell on lot of record is perm, above c onst to cover,:;ofo of lot, where rO;,'& coverage is perm, on Neptune c'l betw Nautilus & Bona ir Sts, R-2 Zor e, co r:dl. Cases No. 5822-23 7-18-63 Lot 8 & 9- Permit to Richard w. Clark to repair damaged bedrm & to add 35 sq ft addn to exist triplex which observes 10'9" rear yd, the addn to observe 10!9" rear yd where 20' rear yd is req, addn result in 47~ coverage where ~ coverage exists & ~ is perm; at 68ll lfeptune Place betw Bonair & 1'autilus Sts La Jolla Zone R-2. Condl. Case 1'0. 8179 6-30-67------------------L---------L---------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Richard W. CLARK, DENIED by ZA, to construct a garage with roof terrace.and wind screen observing a 10 1 front yard when 15' is required, at 6811 Neptune, Zone R-2. CASE #16291 9-28-79 APPEAL 11-7-79- BZA referred back to ZA.