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Development Services

South La Jolla Block C

SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK C.tif SOUTH LA JOLLA Diock C Block ~c" Lots 48-44. Const purposes. Permit to_, ~;:--,.,,.-~.~~~' ~r k'""""':""''."_;"--.C-~;.--~---:1 T...!l',:;Li'~. (,. ' \ a 2-story building for commercial Paul r. Davidson Res, 47214 9/17(28 Lots 34 (E.10'),Lot 35 & 36- Pennit to Charles Bean to move in a 20 1 x 50 1 Officers Barracks bldg. and convert to a duplex in addition to 2 existing residences at 422-24 Bon Air St.______________________ R_es. No. 2338 b/19/47 Lots 37 to 41- Pennit to Paula and Anthony Lishka to construct 12 living units, buildings to cross lot lines, North side of Bon Air Street, west of La Jolla Boulevard. Res. No. 2635 11/5/47 Lota 2lJ and 25.. Ben1t 1io C Wr Cbilcotej Mtt.._& 1.~2:trw 'bl.4& from Solaaa Beach to Bonair st. Sf. of I.a.TolTa 'llLTd. ~Bi!tel. 121 1-16-48. Lots 38-40- Permit to Anthony Lishka to const. 4-unit apt. with 17 ft. set- back from Bon Air Street 1.vest of La Jolla Blvd. Res. No. 0 $ 4 21 48 Lots 2-28- Permit to W.J. and Oma M. Finjord to const. six units, bldgs. crossing lot lines, 380 Bon Air bt., subject to arch. approval of plans. Res. No. 3581 12/1/48 E 10 1 Lot 34 & all 35 & 36- Permit to Chas. Bean to erect 14 1 x 20 1 addn to rear of exist___!8! ha.!1.!!-3.!._!1eJ,_a_Q:~!o_~i_!!t~i!! j 1_s,!_dy~,_ 4.?_4_:B.Q_n_A!r_S!..t. ~e.!_N.Q.._ ~7~ 5.-.?.8=5_.?. E17 10 er Let ~, & Lota 35 & 36- Permit to Charles Bean t.e remove porches and const. addu ., 422 & 424 Bonair St.(C0NDITI0NAL)-------------------------------------------~!!!_!!!-~~2-~--------!:~}=2~------_..,,"\