Via Sorrento Valley Industrial Park # 4 Card 1
VIA SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK # 4 CARD 1.tif v) SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK #4 (!1/-fll._9 ""- / ~ Lot \-Permit to Cal-Sorrento, LTD to construe. a 46'x172' racquet ball building obs. a O' st. side yrd. on Daffodil St. where 10% of width of lot or a max. of 25' is req. Daffodil St. is to be vacated which will create a 30' side yrd. a 10' landscape strip will be provided in rear yrd. abutting freewayon Sorrento Valley Rd. SE corner with Sorrento Val Jey Blvd. Zoned M-JA. C- 13226 NH 7-25-75 Lot 10- Permit to Cal-Sorrento Ltd., at Sorrento Valley Rd. at S.V. Zone MIA, to construct 2-story office bldg. to obs 21 1 front yard on Blvd. at clst pt and architectural projections to obs. a 17.5 1- 25 1 c-16106 Blvd. (N. corner), Sorrento Val Jey front yard. eondit. 6/7/79 Lot 10- Permit to Cal/Sorrento, Ltd., at Sorrento Valley Rd. & Sorrento Valley Blvd., Zone MIA, to provide a 2.5'- 3.5 1 wide landscaping strip adjacent to 1-5 where a JO' strip is reqd. Condit. C-16209 7/19/79