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Development Services

Sorrento Valley Industrial Park #2a

SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK #2A.tif SORRENTO VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 2A (":h /~t- cc F,,,Ci_ fv c;-: Card 3 r_{~ ~ 000- ~! ' 7 e/7,.__, Por . il.ot 9 (Parcel A, D.P. No. 150)- Permit. dustrfl.~/Jl~opers,~t~ <(C-8426) to canst addn to exist warehouse, addn & outside storage area resulting in approx 49.6~ of prop being reserved for automobile park area, driveways & off-st loading platforms & docks where a min of 50'), of area reserved for such uses is re::i_; (C-8427) to canst addn to exist wsl1'ehouse:wh.ich 'obs 18!,SB59n. Tripp Ct .; addn:to obs 2j I SB on Interstate 5 where 25 1 is estab; and to delete 10' plant strip along Interstate 5 frontage, at 3444 Tripp Ct., NE 1ly terminus of cul-de-sac, Zone N-lA, Cond 1l. Cases No. 8426 & 8427 12-15-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9, Fence Variance approved by SCA, ALLAN & SANDRA EDWIN DBA A BRIGHTER FUTURE PRESCHOOL & DAY CARE CENTER sought to construct solid fence at 3422 Tripp Court, M-lA Zone C-21276 6-9-95 13