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Development Services

Sonnichensen's Subdivision

SONNICHENSEN'S SUBDIVISION.tif SONNICHESEN I S SUBDIVISION ce> f $'71~ Sf ---Q.J 4(- f2'1 Lots 7-10- Permit to J.B. Jennings & A. L. Glore for 5 unit auto court (bldgs to be paint- ed, fence erected & prop landscaped) cond'l. Res 136 6-25-~2 Lots 7-11- Permit to J.B. Jennings & A. L, Glore to erect addn of 7 units to an exist 5 unit Auto Court at 3012-3020 Jefferson St. cond'l. Res 921 4-26-45 Lots 7-11- Permit to J.B. Jennings & A. L, Glore to make an addn of 7 units to an exist 5 unit Auto Court and have applied for a Res of Property Use by Application #2691, dated 3-15-45. AGREE #355 5-9-45;,..