Soledad Park
SOLEDAD PARK.tif SOLEDAD PARK Lot l- Pennit to Tech Builders, Inc. to const sing fam dwell with one corner of structure obs 16 SB from Los Altos Rd. where 20 1 is req on N side Los Altos Rd., approx 600 1 SW of Alta Vista St., Zone R-l-10. Case No. 6790 10-14-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- Pernut to Mr. J. Stacey & Diane StiJlivan to erect approx 200 1 os solid fence ran~ing in height from 6 1 to 91 above aver adj ground level along rear & side prop lines, where a 61 high fence above adj gr0und level is permitted at lb77 Los Altos Rd betw Alta Vista St. & Los Altos Ct. Zone K-1-10. c:.mdl. Case N0. 7220 6/21/us----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Perini t to C. lt Mc Cann to erect 5 1 high cbiin J ink fence in filont of required 20' side yd on Los Altos Road; Lot 4 exist Case 8350- Permit to Rudolph v. & Marilyn Regalado to constr recreation rooD and bar sink in laundry room on 1st floor of exist residence at 5122 Los Altos Ct. Zone R-1-10. AGREE #1913 12-11-73 Lot 4- AGREEMENT with Rudy and Marilyn Regalado to construct sec;;d story master bedroom and full bath addition to a two-story single-family dwelling; second story addition to be accessed through foyer on first floor and outside stairs at 5!22 Los Altos Court, Zoned Rl-10000 AGREE# 3859 10/21/87--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ls