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Development Services

Soledad Corona Estates # 3 Card 3

SOLEDAD CORONA ESTATES # 3 CARD 3.tif SOLEDAD CORONA ESTATES NO. 3 Lot 231- Permit to David J. and Meryl A. Faulkner to erect approx 100' of 5' high solid wood fence obs approx a 2' SB from street reservation where max 3' high fence is perm in estab 20' SB, at 5915 Desert View Dr., betwn Palomino Circle and Soledad Road, Zone R-1-20. C-12,481 N.H. 3-5-74 Lots 203-205 (Incl.)- Permit to Adobe Invest, Inc., (1) construct one sin fam dwell on each of Lots 28-34, Incl. of La Jolla Soledad, each res to be served by a private easement at rear where access from a dedicated st. is req; (2) residence on Lots 31,32 and 34 of La Jolla Soledad to obs 16' rear yard at closest point where 20' is req; (3) to construct one sin fam dwell on each of Lots 203-207, each res to obs at closest point a 16' front yard where 20' is estab; (4) entry bridge on Lot 43, La Jolla Pacifica #1, rang- ing in height from 0'- 10' to be more than 3' above grade at approx 14' from front property line; (5) two bridges on each on Lots 203-205 (In~l.) of Soledad Corona Estates #3 ranging in height from O'- 10' to be more than 3' above grade approx 4' from front prop. line where there is a 20' estab. SB on all of above lots, Desert View Dr. and Soledad Mt. Road, Ely of Pal- omino Circle, Zone R-1-10- Cond'l. C-12,360 Appeal to Board- It is Therefore Further Resolved that the appeal and the dee. of the Z.A. be, and hereby is, sustained and affirmed exception of Condition #4 imposed on the original variance. Also La Jolla Soledad and Lot 43, L.J. Facifica #1 1-30- 74 be DENIED with the 3-20-74