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Development Services

Skyline Penaquitos # 1

SKYLINE PENAQUITOS # 1.tif S.KYLINE PENASOUJTOS UNIT #1 Lots 37 '_' 42- Permit APPROVED by ZA to Broadmoor Homes to develop & maintain as a model home complex for a period of one year; (1) one 8 1 X 10' ID sign on Lot 39 & one 6 1 X 8 1 sign on Lot 29; (2) model homes on lots 37 thur 42 & (3) parking lot on Lots 41 thur 46 where such use is permitted no closer than 200' from any occupied dwelling unit not in the same subdivision, (cond) at Carmel Mt. Rd. & P seo Montalban zone R-1-.5 (SL);.I,. C-~_ C]68J2 6/10/80 Portion- garage to sales a office. A/C 127 (A) 5-20-80