Skyline Hills #1 Card 2
SKYLINE HILLS #1 CARD 2.tif--. SKYLINE HILLS#l ~OQ-S? CAB.D tt2 Lot 117- Perrnj_t to:C,tandar(i Oil Co. to erect or,e 120 sq. ft., double-faced, interior lighted sign, 29 1 in height, obs a J 1-c 11 SB fron;. Skyline Dr. where a 15 1 SB is estab (3ee C-L,752):JE cor Skyline Dr. & ~,;rcr:ar Rd., ione C-lA, condl. Case hlc.1 Gb79 o-Jl-64 Lot 301- Perm:i.t to Mr. & Mrs. Addres Duran, Jr. to erect a 3' high chain link fence on top of exist masonry retaining wall resulting in fence & wall ranging jfrom 5'1011 to 3'6" high obs Qt SB where max 3' high wall or fence is permitted in required 10' setback at 373 Sychar Road, 150' E of Elvado Way, Zone R-1-5., condl. C-7253 6/28/65------------ ---------------Lot 45- Permit to Frank & Gladys Meria Nolen, Jr. to construct a 23' x existing sin fam dwell; addn t2 obs 11' rear yd where 20' is req at 172 Skyline Dr. & Peter Pan Ave., one R-1-5 C-9212 N,H. 14' fam rm addn to Buccaneer Dr. betw 3-24-69 tot 61- Permit to Robert S. & Doris J. Huggins to constr 14' x 20'-6" recreation room addn to exist sin fam res; addn to obs 10'-9" rear yard where 20' is req, at 155 Buccaneer Ave, NE car at intersection with Peter Pan Ave, Zone R-1-5. cond'l. C-10409 4-15-71------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 114- Permit to Progressive Investment Corp. to constr 19' x 21' garage addn to exist single fam dwel 1; addn to obs 12' setback where 15' is estab- 130 Sychar Rd betw Skyline Dr & Welling Way, Zone R-4 C-11246 N.H. 5-19-72