Silver Terrace Block 7
SILVER TERRACE BLOCK 7.tif SlLV!l:R TERRACE BLOCK 7 Lot 8- Permit to Leonard & Mary Fierro to erect masonry ret wall varying in nt from O' to 4' 10" obs 0' SB from Lauretta St. wnere max 3' hi wall is perm in req 15' SB at 5858 Lauretta St., NW cor of Gosnen St., Zone R-4, condl c-6387 3-13-64 Lot 11- Acting Z.A. has considered appl of Julius L. & Rita McDaniel to erect approx 50' of solid masonry fence varying in ht from 3' to 6 1 611 & obs O' SB where a max 3' hi fence is perm in estab aver SB of 15', at 5834-40 Lauretta st., R-4 zone & has DENIED the solid masonry fence varying in nt from 3' to 6 1611 max but APPROVED a 5' or 6 1 SB & having a max ht of 4', condl c-6701 9-3-64 Lot 8- ZA APPROVED request of RONALD L. LOBA to constr. 44' of retaining wall varying in height from 3' to 7' in the 15' reqd front yd where a maximum 3' hi wall is permitted at 1270 Eureka St., Zone R-1000, with conds. C-18889 8/19/85