Sherman's Addn Block 43
SHERMAN'S ADDN BLOCK 43.tif SHE1lMAN 1S ADDITION BLOCK 43 Lots 11 & 12 (E)- to C.E. Hultgren to bld gar add to a dwelling at 2045 K st. with 3' side yd. Res. 373 8-19-43 Wpor Lot 2- Permit to Teodoro & Carmen Silva to const 18' x 20' detached gar 30' from front property line on a par with sin fam-dwell; gar to obs O' side & O' rear yd where accessory bldg must be in back of front 70' to disregard side & rear yd req at 255 20th St betw K & L Sts., Zone R-4. c-6463 5-21-64