Seven Inns Subdivision Card 5
SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION CARD 5.tif \\ SEVEN INNS SUBDIVISION CAR!js Lot 1- Permit DENIED to Hotel Circle, Inc. (1) to construct two 3-level parking structures on lot with existing hotel and accessory uses; one parking structure to obs a 28' interior side yd and the other to obs a O' interior side yd where 80' is req; (2) both to result in total lot coverage of 41.7% where 35% is permitted, at 250 Hotel Circle between Hwy. 395 and Interstate 5, Zone CR. v' C-12,209 12-14-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Permit DENIED to Hotel Circle, Inc. (1) to constr l three-level parking gar addn on lot with exist hotel & accessory uses; addn to obs a 0' int side yard where 80' is req (2) to constr 3644 sq. ft. two-story office addn to exist motel; addn to obs an 18 1 front yd where 25' is req (3) to constr 771.5 sq. coffee shop and banquet room addn to exist coffee shop and banquet room; office, banquet room and coffee shop additions to result in a need for 668 parking spaces where 559 will be provided. (Variance C-11368 perm 540 parking spaces where 649 were req) and office & parking gar addn to result in 37.57'1, lot cov where 35~ is perm, at 250 Hotel Circle betw Highwey- 395 and 1-5, Zone CR. C-12529 9-11-74 Appealed to BZA- WITHDRAWN-3-24-75