Sec 8 T14s,R3w Card 1
SEC 8 T14S,R3W CARD 1.tif SECTION 8, T14S, R3W Card #1 / {\ Lot 7- Permit APPROVED to Title Insurance and Trust Company, TRUSTEE; PARDEE Construction Company, PARTY, to (1) erection of approximately 33,000 1 of 5' high, 4-rail fence along interior streets, observing 5' front yards; (2) 5' high open fence observing 0' street side yards and 5 1-811 high gate posts observing 15' street side yard on Derby Farms Road; (3) 5' high open fence observing 15 1 front yard on El Camino Real, and two each 6 1-1011 high Identification pilasters with eagle finial, observing 20 1 front yard on El Camino Real where maximum 3' high walls and fences are permitted in required 25' front and street side yards, at East of El Camino Real, Zone A-1-10. Condition. Case 16160 7-2-79 AMENDED 8-31-79- To (1) of the original request the permit the 5' high, 4-rail fence along interior streets to observe: O' front yards where 5' front yards were previously granted. Q,.~ \)--\'::i-77 Portion- Permit GRANTED to MARDEL PROPERTIES, a General Partnership, owner; and WATT INDUSTRIES/SAN DIEGO, INC., a California Corporation, permittee, to construct and operatea a Planned Residential Development Jocated east of El Camino Real, southerly and easterly of Via De La Valle, Zone A-1-1. C\-'('Of> OSW) PRO #20-252-0 7-20-82_t,"-