Sec 6 T14s,R3w Card 1
SEC 6 T14S,R3W CARD 1.tif-----;:- ' SECTTION 6, Tl4S, R3W.------ ----~ =-====, C.M rft I Por- Permit to Lorraine~- & Walter Conley, owners & Conley's Dairy Farm, iessee, to coij.tinue operation of hog farm on premises where livestock &---farming exeept swine ls perm, at tae intersection oi: Via de lu Valle ~ Camino Viejo, east of El Camino Real, Zone Al-10, Cond 1 1. / II'?.-.r. ,,/ Case No .5233 11-14~62 -----~-";;.;_:.z~:-!t:...!:-.:~~:.~.:r--/./.l'lJ~z.~~e.E-~e_.1.r-::.1..1.. ~-~=------------------------ Port ion of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to LA BAJADA LTD., a limited partnership, owner; JACK RECHT, lessee, to operate a veterinary clinic and hospital with associated services where such activity is not permitted except by Conditional Use Permit, at Southwest corner, intersection of Via De La Val le & El Camino Real, Zone A-1-10, Conditions. j CASE 161136. 11-15-79 (\..xn_g_,n d_g c~ 9- r;t-~ 0 Gt:\:. et,:b,,en e-fff fld. 3- 3-? 3C-'3--!.f- 7;1) Por- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to Vaun Acheson to (1) locate a trailer on lot for tem- porary construction office and sales office for tentatively approved subdivision on County property to the North and (2) erect a 16 sq. ft. 3' high Identification ground sign where sales office and sign must be on lot within the subdivision, at 3790 Via De La Valle, zone A-1-10. CASE 16684 NH 3-24-80 Por- APPROVED BY ZA to Vaun Acheson/owner;Del Mar Meadows/lessee requ. to (1) locate a trailer on Jot for temporary constr. office & sales office for tentatively approved subd. on county property to the North & (2) erect a 16 sq ft 3 1 high identif. ground. sign where sales office & sign must be on lot within the subdivision,(cond) at 3790 Vi a D:; La Va 11 e Zone A 1- 1 o....,1. ~~- ~~ ~- 3- ~1- ~.:>... /3-