Sec 4-T19s,R2w Card 1
SEC 4-T19S,R2W CARD 1.tif s~c 4- T19S, R2W Ir CARD #1,. ;;; 15 Acres- Permit to Caudell & Johnson development and processing of sand and ~rea. to build and operate a plant for the gravel and a concrete batching plant C-1457 CUP N. 15 Acfes (above) Casdell & Johnson- AMENDMENT of C-1457 remova 1, in South Bay 10-23-57 11-29-57,"''.' 20 Acres- Permit to C.H. & Lucille Satterlee to rebuild and enlarge exist water bottling plant, at Monument Rd. betw National Ave & 19 St. C-1848 CUP 6-11-58 E of SE of SE and NW of SE- Permit to San Diego Consolidated C6. to erect 1500' of 6 1 high chain link fencd obs 1' front yd where max 3' high fence is perm 40' from center 1 ine of street and within 25' req front yd; SW cor Hollister St and Monument Rd. Zone A-1-10 (Interim). C-10691 N.H. 8-2-71 Por.- Permit to Caforth, Inc., Owner, to remodel and add 1500 sq. ft. to exist. sin fam dwell on lot with one additional. residence where enlargements of nonconforming use are not permitted; (Lot contains 19.14 acres where 20 acres are req for two units); NW cor Monument Rd. and Hollister St. Zone A-1-10- Cond'l. c-12,272 11-16-73 <