Sec 36 Twp 18s, R2w Card 1
SEC 36 TWP 18S, R2W CARD 1.tif SEC. 36 TWP. m- R 2 w NW-mf-Sec.36- C.U.P. No. 1973 to Samuel S, Vener Co. to construct a bunkhouse N of County Rd, R.S. 154, E of 8ld u.s. ffwY: 101 8-6-58 or SE, Sec 36, rermit to San Ysidro School District to const addn to exist public elementar, school oc maintain at 240 E. Beyer Blvd (vld HWY 101) R-1 C,U.P. Case 3814 2-3-61 Por. NE! of SWt- Permit to Milgen Investment Co.&, Chas. E. Brown, owners&. the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego, Francis J. Fury, a Corp., purchaser to const Catholic Church, rectory, social hall, convent and school (per plans on file), 300' N of Beyer on W side of 0tay Mesa Rd., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. {Tentative Lot 1, Mt. Carmel Heights) c.u.P. Case No. 8039 4-25-67-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Por SW of nw- Permit to Bots Club of tb.e Soutn Bay Area, Inc, to operate a boy's club located at tb.e W1.y tuminua of Diza Road, betw State Route 75 and Avenida de la Madrid. ZOlle A-l-10 interilll, 338-PC ~-25-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to San Ysidro Development Co to const & Oper 194 space mobile home park loc SE cor intersection of Pistol Range Rd & Smythe Ave, Zone A-1-10 & R-1-5 zones.(prop R-2) AMENDED 2-27-70 ext time to 6-21-71 (1-25-71) 219 PC_ 10-15-69 Por- Permit to San Diego Neighborhood Development Corp. and Avco Neighborhoods, Inc. to const and operate a PRD on the north and south side of the extension of Avenida de lij Madrid, A-1-10 interim and R-1-5 (proposed R-2) zones. PRD-16. 3-15-71, Extension to 9-10-71~