Sec 35 T18s, R2w Sbm Card 1
SEC 35 T18S, R2W SBM CARD 1.tif-'-----:-.--,---~--~ SECTION 35- TlBS, R2W_z. SBM Por- Permit to J.C. Gardenas to move from 15 So. 13th St. to HM 2845----,--------- a Card # from r-s.iUoil!'ence from 4038 Cherokee 5-20-59----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------c.u. Por, above- Permit- C~e No. U-- to W. B. Colburn to construct & operate a 93-unit nailer park inc, Mgr's. residence, utility f, accessory bldgs., also 2 neozi.__}l)&nl on so. side of San Ysidro Blvd. Jetw. Averill Rd. & Alverson_fid~ "!"'_#f~_:r=l~,2,9___ ":_____--,-.u;-E~c;-~oUptNiJ---z.t=::w;------------------------ Por N\if of' sw of' Sec 35, Permit to Dairy Mart Farms, Inc. to const re:f'rigerat~ plant i'or milk storage obs 40 1 SB frm CL San Ysidro Blvd (50 1 req) on Dairy Mart Rd, interseo of sd streets. Case 4064 5-5-61---------------------------------------- por Nw of NW of NW, Permit to Carl & Fritz Roll,owners & Safeway stores,Inc Pre-Pakt Produce Dept,leasee, to mainta!. n exist fresh produce packing plant NEly of SD&:AERRy R/W,Zone A-1-10, condl. Case 4102.,, . 1 5-26-61 for use of Safeway Stores only, to expire 7-31-63. 1 '- Po;-of-Nw-of sw-.f--P~r;it t; Dairy Ma~t-F:r~s: iri"c~ to"e"i-ect-12 1-x-8-- double facedi._ pla{\tic1_ in~rior liimted sign on roof Qf-8:Kist bt~g advert 11 Dairy Mart.!:'arms, a1- 20;,0 Dairy Mart Rd., IDterim A.L-> z;one, w. <.L'ere one double faced, unlighted 12 sq. ft sign advert permitted use of premises is perm. Case No, 5714 5-23-63