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Development Services

Sec 34 T16s, R2w Card 3

SEC 34 T16S, R2W CARD 3.tif... Cadf#3 E500' of 200' of NW lying Wly of Sly prolongation of the Wly line of 53rd st.- Permit to Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church of S.D., Inc. to erect classroom addn to exist church at 3050- 53rd St. \,, Res #8274 6-9-54---~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NW- Permit to S.D. Gas & Electric Co. (B;rrl Phelps, owner) to constr elec. sub-station on Chollas Parkway c-1618 J-5-58-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por NEt- Z.A. considered appl of City of S.D. owner & Redwood Village Little League, Inc. lessee to maintain 2 exist Little League baseball diamonds, constr new stand, etc. at south side of Redwood St betw Hubner Rd and Juanita St. Zone R-1 and has DENIED the lower little league field and proposed new concession stand and rest rooms, but APPROVED upper field. Cond'l. C-3341 6-1-60 Appealed- z.A. conditions sustained & loud speakers not permitted- 7-27-60 Ext time to exp 12-15-61 (4-17-61)- ext time to exp 12-15-62 (3-23-62) ~, II II II 12-15-63 (5-15-63) I' II II II 12-15-64 (11-22-63) II II II I! 12-15-65 (1-29-65)- 11 II II II 12-15-66 (12-21-65) II II II II 12-15-67 (1-16-67) II II II II 12-15-68 (12-21-67) II II II II 12-15-69 (12-6-68)- II II II II 12-15-70 (1-14-70) Ill II II 11 12-15-71 (12-31-70) II II II II 12-15-72 (12-10-71) 11 11 11 " 12-15-73 (l-22-73) 11 11 11 11 12-15-74 (12-20-73) II II II n 12-15-7~.(1-16-75)",,. i:J..-1s-?~ (rl,-/9-?S)) II II II II 12-15-77 (12-7-76),, , " /d-/S-78 {/...,?;1'8'-77,/