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Development Services

Sec 31 T14s,R2w Card 1

SEC 31 T14S,R2W CARD 1.tif::r- /~,,, j----------~.--- Por- Permit DENIED Princess Park Estates-Inc. to manufaetuzae max of four ding fa.rn dwell on 11-acre site, to moved to permanent bldg site w1thin 1 yr, on Mira Mesa Blvd; betw Highway 39S & Nly of Hour Glass Field Zone A-1-1, where sing fam res on each lot with additional res on lot of more than five acres is permitted. CASE# 4729 2-27-62----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE APPEALED--AP PEAL WAS DENIED Ar.D THE DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR WAS SUSTAINED AND AF'FIRHED. CASE# 4729 4-10-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For.- Permit granted to S. D. Unif. School Distr., owner, to constr & oper Jr. College W. of U.S. Highway.395, betw Miramar Rd & Mira Mesa Blvd., A-1-1 Interim Zone; Condtl. C.U.P. CASE NO. 144-PC x:imUl 7-3-67------------------------------------------------------------------ Por- Permit DENIED to Snattuck Construction Co. to constr & operate a 325 space mobile nome park, located on the south side of Mira Mesa Blvd., approx 2100' west of Hwy 395. 236-PC 12-10-69-~---------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------Por Lot 2- Permit to Mesa Shopping Center to erect free-standing, 4-pole, sinf faced, un- lighted 8' x 16' x 17' hi sign advertising future Mire Mesa Shopping Center, approx 1 mile W of Hwy 395, I 1/2 mile north O Miramar Rd, Zone A-1-1, for 6 months to exp 2-28-62 c~4348