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Development Services

Sec 30 T14s,R1w, Sbm

SEC 30 T14S,R1W, SBM.tif SEC po: TJ.4S, RlW, S.B.M. Por- Permit to General Dynamics Corp., o"Wner to canst & operate research, development, and testing laboratories & facilities, located south of Poway Rd., east of Pomerado Rd. being portions of Sections 20,21,28,29 & 30 & per of Sec 25, T14S, R2W, S.B.M., in the interim R-lA Zone. C.U.P. Case No. 5943 10-1-63----------------------------------------------------------:--- Par 15, Site "B"- s of sw, & Site "D"- s~ or SE- & "Red Eye 11 & Nly of NW & NW of NE, Sec. 29, Tl.45, RlW- Permit to Ganeral Dynamics- Astronautics to maintain 7' high chain link fence with 1 1 high arms extending outward with three strands of sharp pointed wire thereon around Site 11B11 & 11D11 as shown on plans, where max 6 1 high fence with 1 1 high arms extending inward over private property is perm; also same type fence around Site "Red Eye" as shown on plans on file in Zoning Div. of Planning Dept. Case No. 6904 12-31-64--------------------------------------------------------------
