Sec 27 T18s,R2w Card 6
SEC 27 T18S,R2W CARD 6.tif SEC 27, Tl8s, R2W ' Por- z.A. nas considered tne appl of Clarence Sai;iborn, Owner and James R. Hardesty Co., Lessee, to erect for a period of one year one 8 1_#: 16 1 x 12' nign, double-faced sign advert "Desty Heignts" located approx miles to tne NW, wnere 8 sq. ft. sign advert property for sale or lease is perm, at SW cor CaulfieldDr and National Ave. Zone A-1-1 (Interim), and nas DENIED as req, but APPROVED a 4 1 x 8 1, directional only, max 12' overall neignt sign, Cond 'l. (q_ i-'1~-,w- Bi,l,) c-11481 9-28-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to The American Lutheran Church of Minneapolis, owner, and Lutheran Church of the Reconciliation- San Diego, purchaser, to construct church facility with related activities including day care child development center in the R-1-20 Zone (center to service about 24 children on week-days hours approx 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) at 770 Beyer Blvd. betwn Palm Avenue and Cauli field Drive, Zone R-1-20- Cond'l. C-12,294 1-2-74 Ct x-,-0',r.__ r1_ f.L~ 'l--,:J cf- t C ~_,J-g;. t;,-7:I (:2-5-11)_------------------------------------- Par- Permit to San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Co., Owner and Golden West Packing Co., Lessee, to constr 98 1 x 28 1 cooler with 3B' x 28' office on 2nd floor; addn to obs (1) 62' street side yard on Hollister where 73' street side yard is req (60 1 from center line and 13' for lot width) and (2) eliminate all landscaping on Elm Ave. and Hollister St. where the perimete of prop adjoining streets shall have a 10' planting strip, at 825 Hollister st betw Elm Ave. and Palm Ave. Zone M-lA. c-13075 5-2-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------