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Development Services

Sec 27 T18s,R2w Card 1

SEC 27 T18S,R2W CARD 1.tif SECTION 27- T18s, R2W, card #1, Por- Permit to Alexander B, Craft to constr res and gar obs 5' side yard and 17' side yd where 20' is req on par without frontage on ded st., but served by 30' easement, the res. to be 20' back from edge of easement; on Ely ext of Elm St. (Pa.1m City), 1200' west of Old Hwy 101, Zone A-1-1, C-1923 & 1925 7-11-58 6 months ext l-29-59 Por-ijermit to Anne L, Garvin to complete rumpus room over garage bldg. obs 611 side yard where 20' is req, rumpus room also to obs 611 side yard at 2705 Elm Ave. Zone A-l-1. c-2114 10-31-58---------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por- Permit to Chas w. and Claudia Kreutzkamp to constr sin:fam res and gar, obs 7'-3" side yard where 20' is req, 4 1-9 11 from eaves to prop line on east side of 27th St., south of Grove Ave. Zone A-1-1, c-2176 12-10-58 Por- Per,it to Mike K, Iguchi to constr sin fam res and garage making 2 units on parcel without street frontage on prop lying E of and adj R/W of S,D. & A RR at 2501 Elm Ave. Imperial. Beach, min SB 40'from east line and min 30' from exist res. C-2950 11-27-59 Portion N.W. J/4- AGREEMENT to Michael & Sarah BAJO to move on a guest house with a bar sink, at 2567 Palm Avenue, Zone R-1-20. AGREEMENT# 2488 7/16/79