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Development Services

Sec 21 T14s,R2w Card 1

SEC 21 T14S,R2W CARD 1.tif- SECTION 21, T14S, R2W 7 ----T CARD #f Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FLORENCE C. NEWKIRK, owner; and AL WYLIE SIGN CO. to erect two each, 8 1 X 16 1 double-faced subdivision directional signs with an overall height of 18' where maximum 32 sq. ft,, 12' high sign is permitted, located on the north line of Poway Road, east of i-15, Zone A-1-10, Conditions, SS-113-82 10-15-82 Portion- Permit was considered by ZA for an AMENDED request to PARDEE CONSTRUCTION CO. to 1) erect 2 wall mounted, 24 sq. ft. externally illuminated community entry signs identifying the Sabre Springs Community; 2) erect 2, wall mounted 17 sq. ft. externally illuminated community area identification signs for Sabre Business Park; & 3) erect one wall mounted 15 sq, ft. area identification sign identifying the Stony Brook Subdivision, located at east of 1-15, north & south of Poway Rd., Zone A-1-10, Decision: APPROVED #1, DENIED #2 & APPROVED #3 subj to conds. CUP 18681 2/12/85 APPEALED to BZA on 4/3/85, bza UPHELD; sustained & affirmed.ZA's decision. APPEALED to CITY COUNCIL- Decision of the BZA was overturned and appeal was GRANTED subj. to conds. 7/2/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portions- The Planning Director APPROVED an Amendment to PCD no. 85-0251, by The Pardee Construction Company, to construct and operate a Specialty Commercial Center located on the northwest corner of Poway Road and Sabre Springs Parkway, Described as Portions of the SW 1/4,S21; all in T14S, R2W, SBM, in the CA-RR and A-1-10 Zones. Amend. PCD 85-0251 Aug. 29, 1988