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Development Services

Sec 2, T8s,R2w,Sbbm Card 1

SEC 2, T8S,R2W,SBBM CARD 1.tif S~CTION 2, T8S,.R2W: SBBM Northwest.1/4 of the Northeast 1/4- Permit GRANTED to Michael S. Raya, owner/permittee FOR a PRD permit to construct and operate a planned residential development, located west of Beyer Boulevard between Palm Avenue an Dahlia Avenue, Zone R-2. C:'{--/-. c'.9__, ~_../ Y~__,_____~_:ll1.:_2~-> jl PRD #164__ 11-28-79 Portion- SIGN CODE ADMINISTRATOR APPROVED with conditions the sign variance sought by Dorothy M.M. Blackwell, owner; James Inklebarger DC, Lessee, to expand a nonconfoTilling use (chiropractor's office) by erecting a 24 sq. ft. wall sign and a 32 sq, ft., 13'0" high, illuminating ground sign to observe a 0 1 0" setback where 15 1 0" is required, located at 1676 Palm Ave., R-3000 zone, C-20309 5-2-89
