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Development Services

Sec 1, T19s, R2w Card 6

SEC 1, T19S, R2W CARD 6.tif SEC l, 'l'li9S, R2W Por- Permit to Scott E. & Marie L. Peck, owners and William Jeffrey, Lessee for an ext of time to C-2798 and to remove all exist bldgs and const.r new warehouse and office for import and export brokerage business, plans on file, where limited retail and wholesale businesses are perm at 66o E. San Ysidro Blvd, San Ysidro. Zone c. cond'l. EXT OF TIME (EXPIRES 6-30-81) 6-28-76 C=3724 12-23-60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por-ABOVE APPEALED by Enrique (Henry) S. Neidhart. APPEAL DENIED C-3724 3-2-61 Por- 'Ext of time, 5 yrd to above to expire 6-30-n C-3724 6-7-66 ~~=-~:_:~~-=~-~~-~=~~=~~-~~::~:::~-----~~I~~21Q~_Qf_I1~f_f~f1~f2_JQ:l:2_JJQ:l~:J2___ Por- Asst Z.A. has considered the request of Manuel & Maria Del Socorro Mancillas to erect approx 145' of 14' bi concrete block retaining wall where max 10' high wall is perm on rear property line, and to plaoe a commercial bldg on the rear prop line where 10' SB is req; at 125 East San Ysidro Blvd, betw Sycamore Road and Willow Road. Zone C. and after consideration bas APPROVED the requesta as amended for a 20' high wall, 14' retaining and 6 1 free-standing, subject to conditions. c-10930 12-21-n
