Sears Subd Map 5128
SEARS SUBD MAP 5128.tif SEARS SUIDIVISION,Map#:5128 Lot 2- Permit to Stephen G. & Valerie Willis for perm to erect approx 150 1 of solid blk. retaining wall ranging in height from 2 1 to 6 and obs 0 1 setback where max 3 1 high wall is perm in 35 1 established setback, at 2378 Avenida de la Playa betwn La Jolla Shores Dr. and Calle Cielo in the R-1-20 zone. C-12,241 N.H. 10-10-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1- Permit to Richare S. Dawson for perm to erect approx 180' of 12' high open fencing obs at closest point a 7' rear yd, where a max 6' high fence is perm in a req 25' rear yd; and to erect approx 20' of 12' high, open fencing obs at closest point a 5' inter sideyd along the east property ling, wherea max 6' high fence is perm in the req 8'inter sideyd, fence to enclose tennis court, at 2386 Avenida de la Playa betwn La Jolla Shores Dr. and Calle del Cielo., Zone R-1-20- Cond'l. C-11,973 N.H. 5-4-73