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Scripps Clinic Card # 1

SCRIPPS CLINIC CARD # 1.tif SCRIPPS CLINIC "" CARD #I Lot I- Permit to Scripps Clinic to const research bldg. with balcony obs 13.8' rear yd at closest pt on North Torrey Pines Road betw Science Park & Genesee Avenue. Zone SR. C-12486 NH. 3-18-74. Amended 10-8-76.--------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l- Permit to Scripps Cinie and Research Foundation to canst a 6, 120 sq. ft. building addn and provide 697 parking spaces; 46 parking spaces to be provided on adjacent lot to the north permitted by CUP 15094, for a total of 742 parking spaces.aRxka~xt 10666 North ~~~~=:-~~~==-~~:~:--=~-=~~=:--=~~~~~~~~=:--==~~:~~-~~:__:::~=:~:~~~~~-~~~~)__________ Lot 1- Permit APPROVED by A2A to SCRIPPS CLINIC AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION to construct three additions to existing clinic and research building (total floor area of additions will be 179,231 sq. ft.), and during construction, for a period of three years, to eliminate 160 of the required parking spaces on site; (a total of 400 additional parking spaces to be provided off-site across the street on portions of P.L. 1326, 1327 and 1329 in the 10600 block of Torrey Pines Road- CUP C-17123), at 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, Zone SR. Conditions. C-17368 9-11-81