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Development Services

Santa Fe Vistas, Map 271

SANTA FE VISTAS, MAP 271.tif SANTA FE VISTAS, Map 271 Por Lots 4'-6 & 9, Bl. 6; Lots 4-9, Bl. 7; Lots 1 & 12, Bl. 10, Por Yuma St. adj. Lot 6, Bl.6,' and por Yuma St. & Eureka St.- Permit to Ruth V. Rogers, Owner; Craig Scott, Purchaser, at 5700 Block of Friars Rd. between Donahue & Fresno St., Zone R-3/FPF- APPROVED AMENDED request to allow {l) 3 bldgs 4-storles hi and one 2-story bldg to obs at clst pt 5' int side yds (2) 1 bldg to obs 12 1 frt yd on Friars Rd. Condit. C-15932 5/23/79