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Development Services

San Ysidro Card #6

SAN YSIDRO CARD #6.tif 'SA:f.r YSIDRO / Card #6 Lot 12- Permit to Mrs, Mattie S, Larsen to const 30' x 36 1 detached gar on lot w/two exist res & patio; lot has no frontage on a dedicated street but is served by Pepper Dr., a named alley at 240 Pepper Dr. betw Seaward Ave. & Hall Ave., Zone R-4, condl C-9941 7-10-70 Por Lots A52, A53, A54, plus 50' RR R/W to nortn,on Cottonwood Road betw San Ysidro Blvd. and Interstate 5. Zone R-4.Permit to San Vicente Investments, Inc.; TABLED, C-10429 4-30-71------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 138- 139- Permit to Title Insure.nee & Trust Co. owner, and Estella Colmenero and Enriqueta Rossman, Lessee, to use existing classroom bUildg as a nursery school for twenty (20) students, ages 2 to 1, for five days a week from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P,M. where residential uses 8.!'e pennitted, at 144 West Hall Ave., bwtween Cypress Drive and Cottonwood Road, Zone R-4, ConGl C-10688 8-19-71 L;ti-54-_--P""e-r~-i-t--to-ce~p-o-l-io--L"ap~-z~--o;;n~-r--(by_A_n-toni-o--cope-z~-Agen-t1-Yo-c:orisYr-two------- res i dences on lot; one residence to obs 40' from center line of Sellsway St. plus 12' front yd where 40' from centerline plus 15 1 front yard is 165 Hall Ave. betw Cottonwood Rd & W. Park Ave. Zone R-4. C-11394 N.H. 7-25-72-----------------------------------------.-------------------------------