San Ysidro Card #5
SAN YSIDRO CARD #5.tif,.,f.,,. ',, SAN YSlDRO Card #5 Lot 108- Permit to San Ysidro Development co. to erect a 3' x 5' free-standing, dble- / faced, interior illuminated ID sign, overall ht 15', pole of sign to obs O' SB from property line & 32' from center line of street, edge of sign to obs 29' from center line 1 of street, where 40' street videni&g SB from center line is estab at 137 W, San Ysidro Blvd. betw Cottonwood Rd. & Cypress Ave., Zone C, condl ~ t2-CJt.u-n <-.L'7J:;:- #/d:, /9 /-/~-70 c-9635 1-2-70------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 119- Permit to The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. to const 1,572 sq ft addn to exist telephone co. central office exchange building constructed prior to annexation, existing building obs a 4" interior sideyd & addn will obs 4" interior sideyd, where 3' is req resulting in 5~ coverage wnere 501, is perm at 183 San Ysidro Blvd. betw Cottonwood Rd, & Cypress Ave., in tne R-4 zone, condl ~.. . g C-9719 2-18-70 ___.:_-er,-PL__- f 7:'.(------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Nl04' of Lot A-286 & Nll9' of Lot A-287- Permit DENIED to Robt. & Jessie M. Dake to convert an exist utility building to the dwelling unit consisting of 350 sq ft; building is on lot which is non-conforming as to use (mobile home park) prior to annexation by City & where separate sin dwell unit is req to be a min of 500 sq ft; at 123 Sm,ythe Ave. betw San Ysidro Blvd. & Sunst Ave., Zone R-4. C-9844 5-6-70