San Ysidro Card #1
SAN YSIDRO CARD #1.tif ',., SAN YSll> RO W por of Lot A36- Condl permit to Edward c. Bell to erect neon sign on pylon ~n bldg(~,. at 144 w. Montgomery Freeway, Zone RP. C-1729 3-14-58. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- Lot A91- Permit to Franklin o. Wisner & Juanita Cell to const 2 res on parcel not having fr. on ded. st., served by two 20' alleys, 139je11s Way, R-4 condl C-1743 3-21-58------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot A26-.Condl permit to Edward C, Bell to erect 65 1 hi free-stand pole sign obs req SB., advert a motel at 144 W. Montgomery Freeway, R-P. C-204T 9-19-58 \-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 5 & 6 lying Sly of S.D. & Ariz. Railway R/W (N of 241 w. Park)- Permit to Jose M. Flores to const sin fam res on par not hav full st frontage on dedicated st. R-4. C-2064 9-26-58 Lot A89- Permit to Ed. v. & Elodia Ochoa to const 2 sin fam units, with no street frontage W side of Cypress St. approx 300' S of Seaward Ave., R-4 zone, codl C-2525 5-22-59 Lot 86- Permit to Janes & Sophia Gechter to const sin fam res on rear of lot, making 3 units on lot with exist sin fam res obs 2' side yd (3' req) rear of 126 E. Olive Ave., condl c-2608 7-3-59---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \~O