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Development Services

San Ysidro Addition N0. 1 Card #1

SAN YSIDRO ADDITION N0. 1 CARD #1.tif SAB YSlDRO ADDITION NO. l Por Lot A-169- Permit to John R, & Rebecca Hernandez units obs 14" rear yd (15' req) & 2' side yd (4' req) RP, condl (AMENDED 4-8-59) Card '/fl to construct 4 unit apt existing at 434 E. San Ysidro Blvd., Zone C-2419 4-3-59 Lot A-26- Permit to Robt. & O,F. Mcconaghy to erect dble-faced, neon, single pole sign 37' hi overall, sign area 12' x 20', pole to be approx 13' from property line along Montgomery Freeway, at 181 Willow Rd., Zone R-4. c-2518 6-1-59 Por Lot A-152 & Por Lot A-153- Permit to John c. & Esther Conrad & Bernard L, Wilson to construct add to exist leather goods mfg bldg; add to be used for storage & drying rm for rawnide, at 320 Bolton Hall Rd., Zone C condl c-2562 6-12-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A-61- Permit to Alma K. 'funnell & Geo. E. Keen to const 18' x 40' dog kennel for 38 adult dogs in add to exist dog runs & pens for approx 25 dogs, pro,erty to be used for boarding & raising dogs, 307 Sycamore Rd., R-lA zone & Interim R-4, DENIED for 38 dogs but APPROVED kennel for 25 dogs, condl C-2757 9-4-59 & 8-21-59 6 mos ext to bldg (var is for 2 yrs to exp 9-18-61) Por Lots A-152 & A-153- TABLED req for Mat Boe, ovn (2 lots) & Julian M. Garcia, own (1 lot) to adjust lot lines forming 3 new lots, on Bolton Hall Rd., Zone R-4. C-5166 9-21-62