San Diego Property Union Block 2
SAN DIEGO PROPERTY UNION BLOCK 2.tif SAN DIEGO PROPERTY UNION BLOCK 2 Lots 23-24 = Permit to Chas M. & Angela Karner to erect res. 5' setback, W side of Bancroft St., N of Ash St. Res. #4094 8-24-49 Lots 21-22- Permit to Charles M. & Angels Karner to cons duplex with 5' setback on W side of Bancroft St., 50' N of Asn St. Res. #5579 5-31-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Leo Sawaya at NW corner of Bancroft St. and Asn St. 2-LC 12-6-72 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Leo & Elaine Sawaya for perm. to constr. a 16' x 161 fam. room add. to sin. fam. dwell. add. to ovs. a 2 1 6 11 street sideyard on Ast St., where 101 street sideyard is req., at 1404 Bancroft St. btwn. Ash and Beech Sts., Zone R-2 Cond'l C-11777 3-7-73