San Diego Land & Town South Chollas Addn Block 6
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN SOUTH CHOLLAS ADDN BLOCK 6.tif SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN SOUTH CHOLLAS ADDITION BLOCK 6 ' Lot 35 & 36- ZA considered the request of ARDYTH KENNEDY to construct a 1,500 sq ft. commercial building; (1) to provide access to reqd. parking across adjacent Jot where direct access from a public street or alley is required; (2) to observe a 0 1 front yard where a 10' front yard is required; (3) to observe a O' east side yard where a 10' side yard is required; (4) to provide no solid wall or fence on the east property line where a 6 1 high solid wall or fence is required; (5) to provide no setback infunce on west property 1 ine where fence is required to vary in setback 611 for each 12 1 inear feet; (6) to provide no facade articulation where one facade articulation in the building wall facing National Avenue is reqd. by the Southeast San Diego Interim Ordinance and the CA zone at 3551-53 National Avenue, Zone R-1000 to CA, and has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED Items #(1), (2) & (3) above with conds. C-19282 7 /25/86 Lots 35 & 36- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Southeast Commercial Development Permit to Ardyth Kennedy, owner/permittee to construct a 1,5OO-square-foot commercial structure located in Southeast San Diego, described as Lots 35 and 36, Block 6, SD Land & Town South Chollas Addition, Map #579, CT-2 zone, SECD Permit #87-1128 5-6-88