San Diego Land & Town Co. Addn Block 276
SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN CO. ADDN BLOCK 276.tif,.~..... SAN DIEGO LAND & TOWN.GO. ADDN. BLOCK 276 Lots i-2- Suspension of Zone to allow Drug-Store, (H;rrison & Dewey Sts) DENIED to Fay N. Wilson. 11-23-31 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Fred K. Nader to add living quarters to exist non-conforming store bldg at 2098 Ha.rrison A e., living quarters to maintain sideyard requi:rnient. Res. #739 10-13-44 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Free K. Nader to maintain an Auto Repair Service Shop in an exist gar on the alley at 2098 Harrison Ave. Cond'l. Res. #1237 12-20-45 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Fred K. Nader to const 13' x 14' bedroom & 4' x 14' porch addn to liv quarters attach to non-conf grocery store, NW cor Harrison & Evans St. R-4 Zone. Res. #8581 11-10-54 Por Lots 9.,.10 = Permit to Archie L & Sybil McPhatter to constr bath & closet addn to exist sin fam res on parcel not having req st frtage at 2034 Harrison Ave., R-4 Zone c-4o65_ 5-5-61